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The Next New Thing

Media is continuously changing, and because this stands true, anything is possible.

An idea of a new form of media that would change the world, would be the creation of a program that would enable individuals to use on their televisions, computers, or smartphones to teleport themselves. Somehow, through an invitation or request, they would arrive to the destinations that they see on the screen in front of them. Consumers would be in their desired destinations, saving time.

New media tends to have a positive impact on the individuals who become engulfed in it. As people interact on social netwroks, sometimes they subconsciously create new ideas, tapping into the inner depths of their creativity. According to the article, “Twitter Serves Up Its Ideas From Its Followers,” twitter was created with no intended, set direction. Once it went mainstream, users of this social networking site began to create and foster new ways of communicating via the network, without realizing that they were helping to build the sufficiency of Twitter.

This proves that new media fosters creativity. Creativity is ones unique technique or way of doing something, most times, creating awareness by those who see it.

In this article, we learn that Twitter is as successful as it is because of the ideas of its users, and because of this, is constantly improving to accommodate to desires of its users.

What is file sharing? What is P2P sharing?

File sharing is when individuals provide and permit accessiblity of digital information.

P2P file sharing is peer-to-peer file sharing. This kind of digital file sharing is usually in violation of copyright laws and is, therefore, illegal.

A few examples of P2P file sharing are LimeWire, in which users download music, and Vuze, which is used to transfer files such as movies and music.

Today, almost everyone partakes in the use and benefits of “new media.” Information is constantly posted and many, people intend for the information that they post on their social media sites, to remain private, only for certain people to see.

Privacy and confidentiality is something that is guaranteed by most social media sites such as Facebook and Myspace, giving the account owner the authority to choose. Even though we are able to choose what people can and cannot see, the problem is, that the more information we post online, the greater chances we have at losing the privacy that we may desire.

One “new media” that is most likely liable to take away from confidentiality is the smartphone. Smartphones allow users to log into their social media accounts from the held device, using apps. Most of the time, these apps save the information (username and password) of the user, making it easier for anyone to access the account. Although we know the purpose of smartphones saving private information is so that its users can easily log in, people still run-the-risk of some one else accessing that “private information.”

Once something is ingested in the cyber world, it is a possibility that it may no longer be private; any one person may be able to access it!

Social Networking can be used in many different ways. One social networking site, that is used by almost everyone, is Facebook. On a personal level, people use Facebook to stay connected to their friends and family. They are able to control what information they want to make public and the information they want to keep private. Through Facebook, people network and engage in online relationships with others, as well as well, use it as a means of work.

Another way in which these new technologies are used is to hire. Many businesses, before they employ, refer to social networking sites such as LinkedIn and in some cases, Facebook. Through these sites, they are able to gather or form ideas of who their potential employee is, based on the information made visible to them.

These technologies are definitely a benefit to society, as they provide users with constant access to friends and family, allowing the formation of social relationships. Social media is also beneficial to businesses. Instead of wasting time, calling someone in for an interview, to only reject them, managers or hirees can find out majority of the background of an inividual, through their socail networking sites. Not only are they able to do this, but they can find potential employees through someone who may know someone else who qualifies for the job. In other words, employees would rather hireindividuals they know, or candidates that their acquaintances may know. The convenience in this is that people tend to trust those that they are socially connected to.

While we understand that there are definite benefits to these growing forms of technologies, we know that there is a “dark side.”

Being a part of a social networking site, means trusting the composers or owners of the website with your personal information. For instance, Facebook gives its users the option to keep their information private or not. Yes, it may be private to certain friends, to those who are not friends on Facebook, or to individuals outside of the Facebook community, but, is it really private?

I can see growth in these technologies and a future for them. The only problem is that every great venture, at some point has its downfall. I believe that as we advance in technology, and we always do, what we consider as great technology today, will someday we considered technology of the past.

Virtual worlds are becoming a growingly popular form of new media. They are alternative worlds in which people live in and in these worlds, people can go where they want to go and do whatever it is that they want to do. Most times, people use virtual worlds to partake in activities that they would not be able to do in the real world, or that is impossible for them to do in the real world.

According to the article, “At Hearing: Real and Virtual Worlds Collide,” we learn that one way in which virtual worlds can be used is for meetings. In this article, we see that a meeting is being conducted virtually. What makes this conference or meeting realsitic, is the layout of the office in which the virtual meeting is being held. The setting is the exact setting of the real office located in the Rayburn House Office Building. Although the attendees aren’t physically present, they are still present.

The avatars that they create in the virtual world, represent them and they are able to perform the same duties that they would have performed in the real world. So, although there may not be a physical presence, as long as the visual presence is there, an alternative world can still be just as effective as the real world.

Another way that virtual worlds can be used is to have fun. In “I’ve Been in That Club: Just Not in Real Life,” we see that in order to avoid certain negatives that come with real life clubbing, people actually recreate virtual clubs online and experience their fun there.

Despite virtual worlds not being the real thing, they have many positivities. In real life, people are unable to do things, such as fly. Because it’s an alternative world, and it’s online, one is able to make anything happen!

One major negativity about virtual worlds is not having direct contact with the physical benefits that the real world offers. In real life, we are able to smell and touch things around us, resulting in a physical reaction. In virtual worlds, we are limited to just hearing and sight.

Although we can find many pros and cons about virtual worlds, I believe that they will be vital to our future. Since we are living in a world of advancements, people are constantly and innovatively trying to find ways to make things easier and more possible, while considering time and distant. If we are able to accomplish things that we would normally accomplish in the real world, through virtual worlds, and more conveniently, then we are looking at a future for virtual worlds. As long as they serve as a benefit to society, it can survive.

Social Networking Sites

Today we can find many social networking sites. Some are popular and then you some that we, at one point, took the number one slot as a social networking site.

Four sites that are recognizable today by many people are that of Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and Downelink. Of them all, Facebook is the top.

Facebook is a social networking site that is used all over the world for many purposes. It started out as a site for one designated college, then it became a site for only college students, and now every one is using it!

Facebook is an avenue that is used by several individuals to maintain relationships with friends or as a route to keep in touch with family. I believe this is a great way of communicating with those we love and care about, while still living ur lives the way that we would want. In some instances, we can not control the distance we are from someone because “life” takes over; “life” is in control. Some of us have school far from home, or work a distance that is impossible to taravel to on a regular basis.

With Facebook, one is able to view videos, se pictures, and even see the location of a person right from where they are.

This popular site is also used for business purposes. Many people promote and advertise their businesses on Facebook. Because it is such a popular site, business owners and managers go as far as looking up potential hires on Facebook to get an idea of who they are before taking them on board their team!

The next most popular site is twitter. While twitter is not as accommadting as Facebook, by not providing its memeber with the ability to upload video, or upload pictures directly, links are allowed. Twiiter is primariy used to post thought or words, allowing tweeters to see or follow their followers as they take or new ventures or as they evoke new emotions!

Myspace is one of the older social networks. Though similar to Facebook, it never reached the level of popularity Facebook has. On this site, we are able to see members post and upload pictures as well. I believe the downfall of Myspace in the success of Facebook. The site does not offer direct networking opportunites, nor does it allow for businesses to advertise their product.

Lastly, we have Downelink. Downelink is a popular social network site in the Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, Alliance (LGBTA) community. It offers its members the opportunity to chat live with others like them and also set up profiles to allow others to get a sense of who they are. This website too, does give the option of promoting. The sole use it to connect with people you know and mingle.

All in all, I think that the most well rounded social networking site that offers all avenues of comunication is that of Facebook! I believe the only thing that I would like to see in Facebook is a live video chat! IMAGINE THAT!!

Blogs and Wikis are both forms of new media that many people take advantage of for different purposes. Although we know them to be forms of new media that seem very similar in form, they are very much different.

One thing about Blogs that is majorly different from that of Wikis is the fact that they are personal. Blogs usually have a sole owner or author, therefore, only allowing posts by the owner. With blogs, we see posts that are in order based on the date, with the most recent date appearing at the top of the page. Not only can we speak on the chronological sequence that is presented with blogs, but we can also point out the journal-like format that blogs create.

As for Wikis, we see many authors. The material on a Wiki is continuously updated anytime by anyone. Because there is an unlimited amount of people who can access a wiki page, information is always changing and the page is always growing. With wikis, the information posted is not in order by date as it is done in blogs.

I believe that both blogs and wikis can be used for collaboration.

Blogging allows for individuals to post their opinions or any kind of information that it is they want viewers to know or see. Once that information is posted, comments can then be made based on the post creating a form of collaboration. The main form of collaboration with blogs is for business purposes. Many businesses can remain in the loop of things by referring to their business blogs or by seeking knowledge from other credible blogs.

Collaboration through wiki is definitely a go! An internet media source that allows any one to post, is the ultimate form of communication. Individuals are able to work with one another without any barriers.




My goal is to research and prove that the use of new media is vital to the success and growth of the potential careers of the current and future working generations. With access to new media, there are no limits to reaching ones goals and bringing every aspect of “a dream” to fruition!

I plan to approach this project by first providing knowledge of the growth of media and how it has escalated to its current stance in society. Once this is done, I can then begin to specify a few careers that have benefited from new media, providing examples of real success stories and how those stories were brought to life because of new media!

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